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Episode #4
Patterns of Thinking

In Just Picture It’s fourth episode, John Furey, founder of MindTime, joins Mei Lin Fung, and they discuss time and its relation to human thinking. John Furey shows us his picture that visualizes the world of human thinking, and how different patterns of thinking relate to each other. He also offers advice on how to encourage collaboration rather than conflict between people who have different thinking processes.  
Entire episode
Divided into 3 shorter segments
John Furey introduces his visualization of different patterns of thinking: one that deals primarily with certainty and the past, one that focuses on probability and the present, and a third that centers around possibility and the future.
Sometimes, there can be a conflict between ideas and the execution of those ideas. This can occur when people with different patterns of thinking interact. However, collaboration between these three groups can lead to the creation of better products.
In order for collaboration to occur, we must bridge the differences between all three thought patterns, through remembering all three have value, and all three rely on the other’s perspective. By acknowledging this, groups working together will produce better results.